Homemade Curd/Yogurt
Curd is an important accompaniment to Indian food and no meal is complete without Dahi/curd at our home whether we used as is or in the form of raita's. Homemade curd or yogurt is pretty easy to make at home.
I prepare homemade curd nearly everyday, not only it’s easy - it taste's good too.
Summers are the best time to have curd (yogurt) just plain or sweetened or in kadhi, lassi, or a simple raita.
This is pure homemade style curd no preservatives included, I always prefer to prepare homemade curd as compared to the curd which we buy it from market.
Let's start to make this easy and quick recipe.
Important Notes :
1.)Do not add dahi in hot milk, if its very hot the milk gets coagulates and you might end up getting a grainy curd.
2.)Using sour starter will yield a sour curd or dahi.
3.)In summers the curd will be set faster than in the winters. so keep an eye as we are in the peak of summer.
Ingredients :
1.)Cow milk - 1 litre
2.)Leftover curd/yogurt/dahi - 1 tsp
Preparation Method :
1.)Keep the milk to boil, let the milk come to a boil, simmer for a minute or two and then close the burner.
2.)Cool the milk at room temperature till it becomes warm, Immerse your finger and check.
3.)I have used the different pan to make curd, add a teaspoon of curd (yogurt) culture to the milk and mix well.
4.)Repeat the above same step for 2 times. So the milk and curd mixed well.
5.)Your curd is all ready to set. Cover and keep at room temperature for 6-8 hours or till the curd is set. You could also keep it overnight also.
6.) So now you have a nice well thick-creamy homemade curd. Keep it in a fridge to cool it.
7.)Curd or dahi can be had plain or sweetened or can be made into a dessert, drink or any dish of your choice.
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