Schezwan Grilled Chicken

Hey there this recipe is for the diet freaks,weight watchers and gym lovers .You will love this lean gain recipe .Very easy save lot of time and money .Do try it out .

Roasted /Schezwan  Grilled Chicken 

Ingredients :
1.Chicken 250 gm
2.Tomato sauce 3 tablespoons
3.Red chilli powder 2 tsp
4.Schezwan chutney 4 tablespoons 
5.Barbeque sauce 2tsp
6.Olive oil or coconut oil 2tsp

1.)Wash the chicken & clean it thoroughly.
2.)Now add all the sauces over  the  chicken & store it in a bowl & marinate the chicken for 1 to 2 hrs .
3.)Grill it in the oven or sandwich grill or on the gas.
4.) Serve hot with tomato ketchup or schezwan chutney

1.} Protien:50
2.} Carbs: 10
3.} Fat :10


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